Dramatically whiten your teeth with ZOOM!
Teeth whitening is a safe and effective procedure if you want to lighten the shade of your teeth and restore them back to their natural colour. ZOOM Whitening is a procedure that can help you achieve the results you want.
How ZOOM Teeth Whitening works
ZOOM removes stains from inside the teeth, which helps to restore them back to their natural (white) colour. A special hydrogen peroxide gel that is activated by UV light is used to achieve this result. The treatment protocol consists of three 15 minute sessions and is completed in about an hour. Your teeth may be a little sensitive after the session, and for about 2-3 days you’ll have to stay away from foods that could potentially stain your teeth. After this initial period, you’ll be back to normal and your teeth will be significantly whiter.
Is ZOOM Whitening right for you?
It is possible for the teeth to lighten up quite dramatically, however everyone will experience a result unique to their own biology. In other words, the natural colour of your teeth may not be as white (or, may be whiter) compared to other people. The only way to know is to do the procedure and determine what your natural colour is.
Many people desire to have the whitest teeth they can possibly get, however know that teeth are not naturally as white as you may think. The shades of white that you see on the teeth of movie stars and actors are often achieved through the use of veneers. That said, having a cleaning before a whitening and undergoing a ZOOM procedure has produced the sort of results that most people are very happy with.
Here is a before and after result:

Get Started Today
Visit us to discuss your options. We’ll help you determine what options are most suitable for you in order to help you get that white smile that you’re after.